
(403) 854-3351


(403) 854-4116


104 Fox Lake Trail, Hanna, Alberta, T0J1P0

Prescription To Get Active

Prescription to Get Active Program

Is for any patient who can benefit from more physical activity, is not reaching activity guidelines and does not require medical clearance or supervision when being active. Canada’s activity guidelines recommend at least 60 minutes of activity ever day for children and 150 minutes of activity per week for adults.

Ask your physician for a “Prescription to Get Active”

1. Go to and record your prescription. They will send you a getting started guide.

2. Explore the website for activities you enjoy and start moving at home and in your community.

3. Take your prescription to the Town of Hanna swimming pool or Centennial Centre (Recreation Centre) for a FREE one month access pass to explore your options.

In conjunction with the Big Country Primary Care Network. You can also make an appointment with Patrick May, Big Country PCN Wellness Co-coordinator to discuss an exercise and activity plan that will work for you.