
(403) 854-3351


(403) 854-4116


104 Fox Lake Trail, Hanna, Alberta, T0J1P0

Moving Matters: Including Physical Activity in your Day

Alberta Healthy Living Program



Physical Activity is any activity that’s part of your daily life.  It can include simple things like cleaning, shoveling snow, taking the stairs and carrying groceries.  Including more physical activity in your day can help you maintain a healthy weight and better manage chronic conditions.  In this workshop you will learn about physical activity and how to include it in your day.

Topics include:

  • Benefits and barriers to getting active
  • Tips on how to increase your physical ativity
  • How to set personal activity goals

Who it’s For:

Anyone looking to learn more about physical activity and how to include it in their day.

How much activity to I need?

Adults need 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity each week and kids need 60 minutes or more per day.  Moderate activity means your breathing and heart rate are higher than normal and you may be sweating.


One session, 2.5 hours in length


Workshops are free.  For more information or to register for a program call 1-877-314-6997